12 Ways to Prioritise Self-Care

Let’s make this year the year we all take a little bit more care of ourselves. We all have lots of different demands in our lives and can be pulled in multiple different directions meaning we’re usually at the bottom of our lists. Here are some top tips on how you can change that to make sure you can take care of the most important thing in your life…YOU.

  1. Schedule time with yourself

If you plan your week around your self-care then you’re more likely to stick to it. Put it in your diary or calendar in the same way you would a meeting or appointment and plan around it rather than the other way around. That way you’ll always have protected time just for you.

  1. Reflect on the day

Look back on your day and pick out at least 3 good things that happened. This can help you go to bed feeling positive, especially if you’ve had a tough day. They don’t have to be huge things it could be as small as having a really good cup of coffee!

  1. Reward yourself

Celebrate the small wins you get. When you hit certain milestones with goals you’ve set yourself, you deserve recognition. Rewards don’t have to be something that you go out and buy, you can treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath or a long lie-in.

  1. Switch off your phone

Have a break from the technological world and be in the present moment. Spending lots of time on social media can be damaging to your mental health. By turning off your phone for a little bit each day you’ll be able to focus on yourself without the temptation of scrolling.

  1. Be kind to yourself

No one is perfect so don’t punish yourself for making mistakes or getting things wrong. Instead of saying “that was rubbish why did I do that” try saying “that didn’t work out the way I hoped. What can I do better next time?”. This way you can focus on improving yourself rather than putting yourself down.

  1. Get enough sleep

Having the right amount of sleep is vital for your health and well-being. Waking up feeling refreshed and well-rested will help you get through your day with less stress. Try to stick to a regular bedtime and get into a good routine, this will help with building a healthy sleep pattern.

  1. Get outside and moving

Being outside in natural light and nature does wonders for your mental health. Spending just a few moments outside every day can help reduce feelings of anger and stress and improve your mood. Try being outside just to be outside and see how it affects you!

  1. Look at your diet

Are you eating foods that are good for you? A healthy diet helps you feel more energised and boosts your self-esteem. You don’t have to cut out all of the foods you love, just everything in moderation. Check out our blog on healthy eating to see what changes you can make.

  1. Create a morning and/or night routine

Having a set routine every morning and/or night can help you get set for the day and have a restful night. It’s dedicated time for you to do whatever it is that makes you feel good. It might be coffee and a newspaper or skincare and a podcast. Whatever it is, make it your own and stick to it.

  1. Get stuck into something new

You never stop learning and gaining new skills is always valuable. Find something that you find interesting and throw yourself into it. Learning and perfecting something will give you a strong sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

  1. Affirmations

Affirmations can help improve your outlook on life and can help you feel more positive. Give yourself some credit and remind yourself of the things you are best at. Saying them out loud might feel funny at first but when you get used to it, it can be very empowering.

  1. Do what YOU want to do

Remember that you are fully in control of your own life. If you don’t want to do something then that is your choice to make. Don’t put pressure on yourself to go to certain events or make commitments to things that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed. Try talking openly with friends and family about your feelings and try not to feel guilty when you put yourself first.

We hope you find these tips helpful. Remember if you ever want to talk to a medical professional about building a healthier lifestyle or just want someone to talk to about your mental health, our GPs are always available to you.