Post Travel Screening
There are a huge number of conditions, illnesses, parasites and other nuisances that you can bring home with you after your travel adventure.
It is often difficult for a doctor to recognise the symptoms and diagnose health problems not commonly seen here in the UK.
Our internationally experienced travel doctors will help with advice, investigations and treatment for any problems you may have picked up while away, be it catching a bug on the plane or even if you could use peace of mind regarding a Zika Virus Screening. And because we know how valuable time is with a private GP London Doctors Clinic guarantees all results will be delivered by a qualified private doctor personally.
Fit to fly
Do you need a fit to fly certificate or letter? Click here to find out more.
Clinic Locations: Bank, Canary Wharf, Chislehurst, Chiswick, Esher, Fulham, Hampstead, Islington, Kensington, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, London Bridge, Oxford Street, St Albans, Twickenham, Victoria and Wandsworth or you can book an Online Doctor